Sunday, November 09, 2003

Benign Dictatorships.

Mutterings continued.

Bugger democracy, says I, a benign dictatorship would be so much easier and efficient.

So, until I become your Overlord, here are a few rules and regulations to be going on with:

1. Utes will not sold to anyone who doesn't intend carrying around at least one bag of cement and a dog in the tray.
2. Off road vehicles will not be sold to anyone who doesn't go off road. They will NOT be sold to people who use them as oversized, overpriced shopping trolleys.
3. People who go to the cinema and talk during the movie will be taken out and tagged. All cinemas will be fitted with sensors that will go off when a tagged individual attempts to enter.
4. Nutritionists will acknowledge that a pizza from Pizza With Attitude (Kensington) contains all the major food groups and is therefore A Good Thing.
5. Beer and whisky will replace Grains as a major food group.
6. Everybody will have a cat, especially old people who can have as many as they like and someone to help look after them.
7. The temperature in spring/summer/autumn will not go above 25c. And we will get snow in winter in the city. Occasionally.
8. Anyone who wants can spend a week's holiday, free, on the international space station. When it's finished.
9. International tourists will receive education before they get here that not all Australian marsupials like being cuddled and that koalas, platypus and Tasmanian devils are not endemic to WA.
10. Any spider more than a micron in size will be taken away, far away, and put somewhere safe where I can't see them.

That's enough for now.

Leece and Rob are coming for dinner - I'm making cold Thai avocado soup (avocados, onion, garlic, soy sauce, rice vinegar, vegetable stock, mint and coriander - bung it all in the blender and refrigerate) and potato stir fry.


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