Sunday, August 15, 2004

A day of mixed fortunes.

Mutterings continued.

A lovely sunny day today. The max is only 16c but the sun is shining and it feels warmer. The temp got down to 1.7c overnight and 2c is forecast for tonight.

Mum's not the best, she was in bed during my visit at lunch time. The Silver Chain nurse had been out and advised her to rest. Mum had taken some morphine earlier in the morning and the pain that laid her low had gone. Mentally she was very bright which was good.

On the way home I called into a pet shop to look for cat enrichment items. I'm on the behavioural enrichment committee at work and feel guilty that I don't do more for my own mogs' enrichment. I was looking at the carpet and plywood, multi-level towers (some of which are priced in excess of $500!!) and came home with a small scratching post thingie. It's an inverted V on a rectangular base and has a plastic ball with a bell on it. The carpet covering has obviously soaked up some of the pet shop smells as Milo spent a lot of time sniffing it, doing the old flehmen (sniffing with mouth open to get a really deep snort) a few times. Gus looked at it, sharpened her claws a couple of times and hasn't been back.

Dins and movies night last night. L and R made tacos, mmmmmm, and left me some of the fixin's. We watched Peter Ustinov star in the Muppet Show (I had such a crush on him in the 70's! I thought he was a genius. He probably was.), then Les Triplettes De Belleville (yum, frozen frog onna stick) and MST3K's take on The Invincible Man. Who wasn't so much "invincible" as "slightly hard to kill but still vulnerable to electricity". I'd borrowed the D Gen's second Best Off from the local library and Rob got to see the famous "International Pizza" Thunderbirds sketch. "pull some strings. Arr arr arr."

Gus has been watching the television. Yesterday she was engrossed, for a couple of minutes, in a doco about gibbons - she was watching a couple of white-cheeks brachiating and I think she could see the contrast of the black fur against the green trees. And last night she watched a few minutes of Les Triplettes until Bruno starting barking and she ran away.


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