Saturday, November 01, 2003

Today's ponderings.

Mutterings continued.

What does " pushing the envelope" mean?? How does the ability to move about a paper container for letters, cards and bills imply inventiveness?

When did the ute become the vehicle of choice for hoons with tiny penises and smaller brains?

Why, if there are two empty parking bays, one in front of the other, don't some drivers park in the front one, so they just have to drive out, instead of parking in the rear one, and having to back out if someone parks in front of them?

Should I have bought the block mounted poster of Legolas at Garden City this morning for $20? And where would I have put it if I did?? I already have framed posters of Othello, Dead Again, In God's Name and In the Bleak Midwinter on the floor, resting against the wall because I don't have space for them.

And speaking of Garden City.... I made the observation a few months ago, in another place, that Douglas Adams was wrong - the world will not be over run by shoe shops, but by mobile phone shops. Another has opened at Garden City, a few feet from the other FIVE in the mall. The new one is "Crazy John's", a trustworthy name if ever there was one.

I bought the X Men 2 DVD this morning. I had to - K Mart were selling it for $29.62, and that's not that much dearer than the version being released in a few weeks. Really.

Milo and Gus. About time they got their furry faces in this blog.

Kishen Haiden (sp?) is the name of the very first anime I saw at John Samuel's place. I was talking about it on another forum and couldn't remember the name. Leece and Rob managed to determine which one it was from my description of there being a big train.


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