Monday, August 23, 2004

Another day of mixed fortunes.

Mutterings continued.

That seems to be the way it is, these days.

Mum visited her oncologist this afternoon who doesn't want to see her for another 3 months. Which I take to mean he believes she'll still be here in 3 months.

(Gus has just been attacked by the toy fish onna stick monster. Now Milo is killing it for her.)

Came home to a $145 rebate cheque from Medicare, which should just about cover my credit card debt (just checked, nope, I'll still be $10 in the red), and a parcel containing Poirot vids on the doorstep. A friend popped in at work and we had lunch and coffee and a visit to the baby baboon (Taye was climbing on and off a branch, using his mother's head as a ladder).

On the negative side, I got a call from the Breast Clinic saying they want to me to go to the Royal Perth Hospital clinic for more tests and possible ultrasound. The nurse who rang said there was some thickening in one of the breasts that they want to have a look at. She said that, as I've never had a mammogram before, they don't know what is normal for me so they want to check it out. She also said that 120 women a week get called in for a second set of tests.

Poor Leece and Rob are still laid low with the lurgi. Get well you two.

Ok, back on the positives. I got an email from Ashley in the UK and she has been working on our itinerary. Two days in York, four nights at gorgeous Birnam Wood House in Scotland and a night in Sheffield with Derek Jacobi. Well, we'll be in Sheffield and so will he. And in the middle visits to Barters bookshop (the one in the Victorian railway station in Alnick) and anywhere else that takes our fancy (within reason).

From the "Where does the time go?" department - this blog in nearly 12 months old. I started it on Sept 15 last year as a response, more or less, to Simon flitting off overseas last year.


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