Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Hot day.

Mutterings continued.

Or so I've been told. I've been inside all day, didn't venture out until 4pm.

I did start a possblog for yesterday but managed to crash my computer and lost it all. Can't remember now what I was whittering on about. I think it had something to do with coming home to a lovely parcel from Oxfam, which took care of pressies for four people in one fell swoop.

And today there were two large envelopes I had sent to myself from the UK. I think I have another 2 to come. Lots of lovely postcards and my Don Carlos programme were in one. And calendars! My gods but I've bought myself some calendars.

Scary website time: Catprin: Tailors for Cats. It doesn't take an expert in animal behaviour to know what these cats are thinking to themselves.....

And a good site: MadSci Network. The Edible/Inedible Experiments page is a hoot - any experiment that starts with:

"How to do the experiment:
First, take a slice of cheese and pull on the edges. It should tear apart. Eat it. Get a new slice." is good science.


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