Sunday, March 05, 2006


Mutterings continued.

Just back from rehearsals. We ran the play within a play - the tragedy of Pyrameus and Thisbe as acted by the Country Women's Association (or Women's Institute). It's hysterical. Andie, who plays Bottom, and Kerry, Prologue, take the Art of Course Acting to a new level. There's even the Royal Shakeseare Armpit of Death. I was in tears at the end of it - it's wonderful watching sanctioned over-acting. Nearly all the props are done. I sewed a friend's Scottie dog (stuffed) to a piece of cardboard and it works beautifully. I was trying to use a large white poodle but it just wouldn't work. The Scottie is much smaller, more manouverable, and capable of being hoiked into the wings.

I saw an ad for Steve Martin's Pink Panther movie. I like Mr Martin as an actor and as a writer - his Picasso at the Lapin Agile is wonderful - but this film is just wrong. It doesn't need redoing as nobody could do it better than Peter Sellers.

And now, my daily weather bitch - a quarter to five in the evening and it's 33c.


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