Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Snifter weather

Mutterings continued.

as my Dad calls it.

Went to see HP3 again last night, this time Gold Class. We had wanted to see Shrek but it was booked out - there were only 3 seats left for Hairy Pooter.

We were quite disappointed with the previews, we were hoping for Sky Captain (which is slated to open on July 15, woo hoo!) but, apart from Shrek, they were mostly kid/teenager oriented. We were hoping for more adult fare as the minimum age for patrons in Gold Class is 18.

Today I discovered a web site, sent the info off to a friend, and was told that Kevin Smith started the site for one of his Jay and Silent Bob movies. That's me, behind the times. It has an amusing review of a Towlie (in)action figure.


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