Thursday, November 20, 2003


Mutterings continued.

Interesting thread over at aus.dvd - which actor features most prominently in your DVD collection? TV and movie series count as 1 only.

I've just checked my meagre collection and it's a tie between Sir Ian Mc and Sir Derek J - four each. For Sir I it's the two LOTRs (which count as one), the 2 X Men (ditto), Richard III and Othello. And for Sir D it's Gladiator, Gosford Park, the I Clavdivs and Henry V.

Kenneth Branagh and Tom Hollander tie for #2 - Harry Potter 2, Hank V and Loves Labours Lost for the former and Cambridge Spies, Enigma and Gosford Park for the latter.

Now if you counted videos, then Sir Derek would def. win. Lord but I've got some obscure stuff of his! I'd like to get Dead Again on DVD but it's too expensive - I'll just have to put up with the video. Hmm, just looked on and it's only $25. Oh dear.


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